National FORUM Journals |
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Center, Danvers, Massachusetts. |
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National FORUM Journals cover a
wide range of topics from renowned
scholars in the fields of education,
applied research, counseling, business,
international affairs, and multicultural
issues aimed at providing research and
professional development. All published
articles are reviewed by professionals
in their respective fields during the
national refereeing double-blind,
peer-reviewed process. Articles are
available online. No fee is assessed for
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NFJ Policy on Plagiarism: The
editors at National FORUM
Journals strive to avoid instances of
plagiarism. Honest errors, consisting of
APA formatting and citation mistakes,
may occur in some instances. If you
suspect a published article contains an
honest error or is plagiarized, please
provide documentation and contact Dr.
William Allan Kritsonis, editor of NFJ
at The
corresponding author(s) will be
notified. |